I am always happy to develop bespoke courses to meet particular needs. Please contact me.
All courses are 1 day unless otherwise stated. All courses can currently be offered virtually via Zoom or MS Teams, as an alternative to face-to-face.
Law for Social Care and Health
Adult Safeguarding (all courses incorporate Making Safeguarding Personal)
- Undertaking Safeguarding Enquiries (2-day, 1-day refresher available)
- Report Writing for Adult Safeguarding
- Chairing Adult Safeguarding Meetings
- Minute Taking in Adult Safeguarding
- Safeguarding for Registered Managers (1 or 2-day versions available)
- Legal Literacy for Adult Safeguarding webinars
- Complex Cases in Adult Safeguarding - covers full range of potential legal options in complex cases and detailed consideration of options in specialist areas including self-neglect, non-engagement, domestic abuse and undue influence, executive functioning and complex capacity
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty
- Introduction to the MCA (1/2 day)
- MCA Refresher (1/2 day)
- Mental Capacity Act - legal update (1/2 day)
- BIA refresher training
- Capacity Assessment in practice (1/2 day)
- Best Interests decision making (1/2 day)
- Applying to the Court of Protection to authorise Deprivation of Liberty (Community DOLS)
- DOLS (Awareness) (1/2 day)
- DOLS signatory training
- MCA and Deprivation of Liberty for Children’s and Transition workers
Care Act
- Care Act (Overview and key provisions in depth)
- Transitions (Covers Care Act, SEND and Health, including MH services)
- Ordinary Residence (1/2 day)
- Charging and Financial Assessment
Mental Health Act
- s.117 Aftercare (1/2 day or 2-hour webinar)
- Nearest Relative (1/2 day)
Also available
- Legal Literacy for Adult Social Care (1/2 day or 1 day) – overview/refresher of essential law for adult social care
- Human Rights in Adult Social Care Practice
Autism for social care
- Autism Tier 2 (Covers Core Capabilities Framework revision of Tier 1 and Tier 2 elements relevant to social care with a very practical focus)
- Autism Tier 3 (Covers Core Capabilities Framework Tier 3 elements relevant to social care including Care Act, Capacity, MHA, Child in Need assessments with autistic people, distressed behaviour and safeguarding autistic people)
Taken together, Autism Tier 2 and Autism Tier 3 provide full coverage of BASW Capabilities Statement for Social Work with Autistic Adults (and will cover BASW Capabilities Statement for Social Work with Autistic Children when it is published) - Communicating with less verbal children/adults (1/2 day) (Covers all disabilities)